aerial view of the charles river


The Harvard College BLISS program (Build Learning through Inquiry in the Social Sciences) is a summer residential program for Harvard undergraduates designed to provide a formative and substantive social science research experience and to promote community, creativity, and academic excellence. During the nine-week program approximately 16 students work full time on social science research projects mentored by Harvard faculty. Students live in one of the Harvard Houses as part of the Harvard Summer Undergraduate Research Village, engaging with fellow undergraduates from an array of programs who are conducting research in fields ranging from art history to astrophysics, from data science to philosophy, from organizational behavior to public health. BLISS provides housing and full board, and a $3000 stipend for expenses, as well as academic and professional development programming for the student fellows (including lectures and discussions with distinguished faculty and professionals in a wide variety of fields, practical seminars, and a chance to present their research publicly), as well as a host of social and recreational activities. Typically, faculty project descriptions are posted on this website in mid-to-late January, and the student applications are due in mid-February.

2025 Key Dates

  • February 18 *NOON*: Student Applications due (all project descriptions have now been posted [as of 2/3, 11 am])
  • February 24-March 10: Faculty/Student Interviews
  • March 11: Initial Program Offers
  • March 14: Student Decisions Required
  • March 18-26: Waitlist Offers and Decisions



Who should I contact with questions?

Jennifer Shephard, BLISS program manager, 617.495.7906,, or the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (URAF),

What are the dates of the program?

The 2025 program runs from Monday, June 9, through Thursday, August 7th. The program will run in 2026, but the dates are uncertain (approximately nine weeks).

Are the students expected to be on campus for the full nine weeks?

Yes, they are required to live on campus and are basically expected to be present on all weekdays. Student independent travel (to study, for vacation, etc.) is generally not permitted except for weekend days (missing a weekday or two for a special family event, like a wedding, may be permitted, provided that both the faculty PI and program manager are consulted in advance and give their approval).

What kinds of projects has BLISS included in the past?

Lots of different kinds! See the ARCHIVE for prior faculty project descriptions (meant to be illustrative, not limiting). Note that not all projects were filled; to learn more about those that were, check out the abstract books and fellow bios.

What kinds of academic, professional development, and community programming are available to BLISS Fellows?

See the ARCHIVE to learn more about programs in prior years; the blogs are a good way to get a sense of the community activities as a whole.

Who designed the BLISS logo?

Audrey Effenberger, Harvard College class of 2019.

What does BLISS stand for?

Originally the BLISS acronym derived from ‘Behavioral Laboratory In the Social Sciences’. A new backronymBuild Learning through Inquiry in the Social Sciences, was developed in 2017 to better reflect program goals and diversity of research methodologies. BLISS might also be a good adjective to describe the amazing summer experience we hope participants will have!